Bobby Jindal Bombs:Fox Panel’s Verdict On Jindal’s Speech: ‘Childish,’ ‘Amateurish,’ ‘Not Exactly Terrific’

It’s good to see that I was not the only person that thought that Bobby Jindal’s response to President Obama’s  speech in front of a joint session of congress last night bombed.

I was sitting at work last night, listening to it on the radio and couldn’t get over how boring and unimaginative it was. 
Jindal tried to connect with the listener’s/viewer’s by telling hoakie stories about growing up and how the local sheriff responded to the Feds during  the Hurricane Katrina crisis, who didn’t wanted the sheriff to go out in boats to rescue people from the roofs unless they had insurance, by telling them that Congressman Jindal was in the room and that they were going out to rescue people no matter what.
Overall, Jindal didn’t do a very good job at explaining why republicans would do a better job then the President at managing the current economic crisis the nation is facing. 
Think Progress has a very good rundown of the reaction to Jindals comments from the Fox News panelists that puts it all into better perspective, they also point out reactions from NY Times columnist David Brooks and from some in the conservative blogisphere:
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s (R) response to President Obama’s speech tonight received a universal thumbs down from the Fox News panelists, who are traditionally conservatives’ most gentle critics:

BRIT HUME: “The speech read a lot better than it sounded. This was not Bobby Jindal’s greatest oratorical moment.”

NINA EASTON: “The delivery was not exactly terrific.”

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “Jindal didn’t have a chance. He follows Obama, who in making speeches, is in a league of his own. He’s in a Reagan-esque league. … [Jindal] tried the best he could.”

JUAN WILLIAMS: “It came off as amateurish, and even the tempo in which he spoke was sing-songy. He was telling stories that seemed very simplistic and almost childish.”

ThinkProgress has compiled some lowlights of Jindal’s speech, along with the reactions of the Fox panel. Watch it:

On PBS, New York Times columnist David Brooks also remarked, “In a moment when only the federal government is actually big enough to do stuff, to just ignore all that and just say ‘government is the problem, corruption, earmarks, wasteful spending,’ it’s just a form of nihilism. It’s just not where the country is, it’s not where the future of the country is.”

Even conservative bloggers are upset with Jindal. Kathryn Jean Lopez writes at the Corner, “E-mails I’m getting are from disappointed conservatives. They wanted a full-throated response to Obama and expected and/or wanted more.” Ramesh Ponnuru called Jindal’s delivery “weak.”

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Filed under Bobby Jindal, David Brooks, Fox News, Hurricane Katrina, NY Times, President Obama, Presidential response, Think Progress

One response to “Bobby Jindal Bombs:Fox Panel’s Verdict On Jindal’s Speech: ‘Childish,’ ‘Amateurish,’ ‘Not Exactly Terrific’

  1. Ryan

    I agree. I really like Jindal and his views, but he didn’t do as good a job as I would have liked. I still feel that he is a YOUNG, rising star in the Republican party. Last night was really th first opportunity he had to meet the country so there are natually going to be some green-ness. He will learn from it and grow, as we all have learned and grown from past experience. That is, hopefully we have 🙂


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