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In the name of open and transparent government, many towns throughout the area televise their township committee meeting, Middletown however does not.

What are Tony Fiore and the Middletown Republican majority trying to hide, why wont they agree to televise Middletown’s Township Committee meetings?

It’s already been determined that there has been grant money available in the past to do so. It has been said that an informed electorate is a knowledgeable electorate.

Are the Middletown Republicans afraid to televise meeting because they worry about what voters will learn if the channel of their televisions are tuned into a Township Committee meeting? Indifference by some, arrogance by other, a township attorney who speaks instead of letting duly elected officials answer questions and who sneers and snickers at residents who address the Committee, are just a small sample of what residents would learn if they could watch township meetings in the comfort of their homes.

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Filed under Middletown Democratic Club, political cartoons, televised meetings, Tony Fiore

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