Category Archives: George Takei

>Don’t Say Gay, Say "Takei" Instead

>Last week, leading up to the Tennessee Legislature anticipated passage of Senate Bill 49 , better known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which will make it a crime for teachers to mention homosexuality in the classroom once signed into law, Star Trek alum George Takei (Mr. Sulu), is asking people to support gay right’s by not saying “gay”.

Instead, George asks that everyone say “Takei” whenever speaking or referring to G.L.B.T groups or individuals.
Towards the end of the video Takei hawks a line of T-shirts and other items that say “It’s OK to be Takei”, to wear and display with pride and to show Tennessee and the world that you’re against censorship and bigotry….

All the proceeds from the sales of these items will be donated to charity. Have a TAKEI old time!

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Filed under gay rights, George Takei, GLBT, homosexuality, It's OK to be Takei, Senate Bill 49, Tennessee