>It’s Your Town – Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 9- 5/2/11

>The latest edition of It’s Your Town Newsletter is available for reading.

This latest editions of the newsletter covers the May 2, 2011 Middletown Township Committee Workshop meeting. It was at this meeting that the 2011 Township budget was scheduled for public hearing. Unfortunately the meeting was once again sparsely attended and only 1 resident came forward to question it.
In my opinion, this hearing should have been moved to the regular monthly meeting scheduled for the May 16th so that it would have been subjected to a larger audience.
During public comments a few residents questioned the planned redevelopment of the AVAYA industrial site in Lincroft that is currently being heard by the Township’s Planning Board. You can read what our elected officials had to say about it.

There were also many items on the agenda up for discussion, but not many were openly discussed.

Stay on top of what is going on during these Township meetings by reading the newsletter. It is the next best thing to being there yourself since the Township still refuses to video them for presentation over it’s cable access channels (which by the way was a point of discussion during the meeting).
Click >>> Here >>> to download a copy of the latest newsletter .


Filed under Avaya, Its Your Town, Middletown Planning Board, Middletown Township Committee, Newsletter, workshop meeting

3 responses to “>It’s Your Town – Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 9- 5/2/11

  1. >Pathetic the town meetings aren't televised. Township acts like it is a major movie production.

  2. >Maybe some of out talented youth from the arts center or our school system who have learned video production could show these "very intelligent" (ha ha) members of the TC how easy it would be to televise these meetings. I have seen newscasts from HS South on the twp. cable station. Of course if the tc has something to hide or do not want things to be as transparent as scharfy said they would be during his re-election campaign, they will never televise their meetings.

  3. >Let the kids from the arts center or some of our HS students who have studied video production televise the tc meetings. I have seen HS South do a news broadcast on the local cable channel. Amazing how it can get done by the school but not by the tc.Unless of course they do not want people to know what is going on. Scharfy campaigned on greater transparency, I guess he forgot after the election. After all he was not very transparent prior to the election about who his new employer was.

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